
  • Full Stack Web Developer

    Dev Academy Aotearoa

    Aug - Dec 2022

    Graduated from an intense 15 week bootcamp that taught modern web development and what it is like to work in teams. We learnt various frontend and backend technologies and how to work in an agile setting. There was also an emphasis on learning soft skills to help improve the people side of tech and how to work with various personalities.

  • Architectural Graduate (Intermediate)

    Prime Designs

    Sep 2020 - Aug 2022

    I took projects from client consultation to building consent submission and construction management, working on projects that fell into a wide spectrum of difficulty. I also managed client expectations, coordinated external consultants and helped project manage successful outcomes.

  • Architectural Graduate (Team Lead)

    Design Network Architecture

    Jan 2019 - Mar 2020

    Responsible for leading a team of 3 junior developers while they learnt the workflow and building consent process. This was my first role in a leadership position where I found a natural ability to coordinate a team towards an outcome and how to work with different personalities. I was promoted twice in a year to land the team lead position, progressing from junior to intermediate technician prior.


  • Level 6 Web Development Dev Academy Aotearoa


  • Master of Architecture [Prof.] Victoria University of Wellington

    2016 - 2017

  • Bachelor of Architectural Studies Victoria University of Wellington

    2013 - 2015


  • Javascript Used to create 30+ projects. From web apps to games with complex DOM manipulations
  • Typescript Used to build type-safe web apps and improve my developer experience
  • React.js Used to create 10+ projects with dynamic user interactions. Also used Next.js (React/meta framework)
  • Redux Used to manage client side state and dynamically sync external data
  • Git Used to version control projects from the earliest stages of my learning
  • SQL Used as the primary database type on full stack projects. Familiar with SQLite3 and Postgres
  • MongoDB Used as primary 'document' database. Familiar with Mongo Atlas and various query builders
  • Express Used to build servers for full stack projects (database APIs & traditional HTTP servers)
  • Figma/Adobe Suite Used to plan and wireframe mobile-first designs, and to create custom assets

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